Thursday, November 27, 2014

Nowa Dziewczyna {Part Two}

Over the last few months though, I’ve been getting to know the girl from Poland even more as we navigate a new sort of foreign world -college. She knew a grand total of three people back in August, so it’s been interesting to watch and see what she has done with her new start -how she chose to present herself to people, what she said about who she was, and how many of the lessons she learned this summer made their way into who she is. As the semester has gone on, I have learned more and more about her and have really enjoyed having the time and opportunity to do so. I’ve learned that…

She loves practically any place that is small, eclectic, or otherwise hole-in-the-wall-ish. She enjoys the quiet, the charm, the uniqueness of these establishments and the way that they almost feel like hers -a secret of sorts that most other people in the busy city miss. Some of the most worthwhile places in her opinion are those that take a little bit of effort to stumble upon. 

She is an absolute wimp when it comes to the cold weather. Like a full on jacket, gloves, hat, scarf, long sleeves and still miserable wimp. I often wonder how she makes it between classes. 

She keeps a journal of quotes with her almost all the time. It is filled with the words of historic figures, musicians, novels, and bloggers and is one of her favorite things to add to. As a result, she can typically come up with a quote [or four] whenever she's asked [and often when she’s not as well]

She loves hiking and bouldering and anything that puts her outdoors. The view from atop Birmingham’s hills and the calm away from the city are some of her favorite things.

She has mastered the art of conversation with strangers because after all, if you can small-talk your way over a language barrier, doing so exclusively in english is a piece of cake. As a result, she has met a host of interesting people in coffeeshops, elevators, and the cafeteria whose stories she never would have heard otherwise.

She enjoys chemistry, psychology, and reading and has no issue admitting to this or that she actually enjoyed the assigned article from the night before. She knows she’s a dork and she’s pretty okay with it.

She still cannot handle a great deal of “girl talk” which she blames on too many years spent as a die-hard tomboy. She leaves most of this to her roommate and much prefers the skimmed down, drama-free synopsis she typically brings back.

She loves thrift stores and used book stores and could spend hours getting lost in each. She loves weathered postcards and vintage photography equipment especially and occasionally wonders if she was born in the wrong era because of it. While there is something to be said for the fresh, pristine clean of a new novel, she has learned to appreciate the well-worn, well-loved text as well. Her favorite finds are often ones that have been extensively underlined, doodled-in, and commented upon because she loves seeing the little pieces of themselves that people before her have left behind. She loves the city’s book exchanges for the same reason. 

She can, in fact, sing in front of people and actually really enjoys karaoke nights at the BCM or singing along [where people can actually hear her] with one of the guy's guitars.The people from her old youth band would be shocked.

She has only a very vague idea of her future career path, but she is determined not to worry about it for now. She is taking her classes, learning, and exploring the world around her. As nervous as it makes her advisors, she is taking a break from worrying about who she should become and is loving every minute of it. 

She is still single. For her polish girls, it has not changed since the last time you asked. Or the time before that. Or the time before that.

It only takes a few meetings with her to see she has a decent list of flaws, but as the semester has progressed, I’ve learned she has her fair share of strengths as well. She is far from the most interesting person in the world or even the most interesting I’ve met, but the more I get to know her, the more I think, 

I kind of like her.

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